Monday, August 4, 2008

Cleopatra (1970)

Osamu Tezuka is mostly known for his kid-friendly anime such as Astro Boy, but I guess a combination of old age and 1960s sexual counterculture caused him to cut loose and make a small handful of soft-porny animated movies. Cleopatra is probably the most interesting and funny of the bunch.

The movie is extremely bizarre throughout. The "adult" content is mostly limited to just gratuitous naked breasts in every other scene, there's nothing "hardcore" here. It starts out with some bizarre space mission that's worth the price of entry alone, where everything is filmed with real footage, but cartoon heads are kinda clumsily inserted over all the actors.

This lady quickly meets a grim demise, but nobody seems to care overmuch.

Anyway, these space goofballs apparently get sent back in time to the era of Cleopatra and the invasion of Egypt by Rome. Who knows what their mission is as after the first sequence we never see them again, and the movie transitions to full animation.

Upon reaching Rome there's a battle well underway, with plenty of carnage set to 1960s Laugh-In style music.

There's even a little light rape ...

Oh, and some pedophilia for bonus classiness (he doesn't get away with it, though)

Anyway, the story mostly revolves around Jolly Green Ceasar, seen here wasting no time in molesting the local youth. Everyone is in terror of him and his pillaging army, so some secret council of assashins meets and decides to send Cleopatra to seduce him, and I guess kill him while she's at it.

Cleopatra turns out to be a bit homely ... but not all that bad really, I mean she has a nice bod, I'd hit it without a second thought. They want her to be the ultimate in seduction though, so they send her to some perverted old alchemist to have her face reshaped.

She also has the ability to do this sort of thing with her anatomy. Doesn't bode well for Little Ceasar!

Here Cleopatra is seen using Morph Ball to infiltrate Ceasar's defenses. She is accompanied by horny jaguar or something who keeps trying to dry-hump her while she is in the bag.

It's hard to describe the rest of it as the copy I watched was in Japanese without subtitles (I don't think there's been an official subtitled release but there may be some fan-subs floating around), plus it's just so off the wall. Some guy who I think is Marc Anthony swims over with a pistol to dispatch Ceasar, they chuck him in the arena where he has to shoot up some giant and Astro Boy randomly flies in for a second, then eventually the plot sort of forgets about him and focuses on some random guard who lucks into boning Cleopatra somehow.

I can't honestly say it was *good* but it's certainly weird enough to merit watching if you are into that sort of thing. With subtitles in English I might have got a little more out of it.

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Cleopatra (1970)

Osamu Tezuka is mostly known for his kid-friendly anime such as Astro Boy, but I guess a combination of old age and 1960s sexual counterculture caused him to cut loose and make a small handful of soft-porny animated movies. Cleopatra is probably the most interesting and funny of the bunch.

The movie is extremely bizarre throughout. The "adult" content is mostly limited to just gratuitous naked breasts in every other scene, there's nothing "hardcore" here. It starts out with some bizarre space mission that's worth the price of entry alone, where everything is filmed with real footage, but cartoon heads are kinda clumsily inserted over all the actors.

This lady quickly meets a grim demise, but nobody seems to care overmuch.

Anyway, these space goofballs apparently get sent back in time to the era of Cleopatra and the invasion of Egypt by Rome. Who knows what their mission is as after the first sequence we never see them again, and the movie transitions to full animation.

Upon reaching Rome there's a battle well underway, with plenty of carnage set to 1960s Laugh-In style music.

There's even a little light rape ...

Oh, and some pedophilia for bonus classiness (he doesn't get away with it, though)

Anyway, the story mostly revolves around Jolly Green Ceasar, seen here wasting no time in molesting the local youth. Everyone is in terror of him and his pillaging army, so some secret council of assashins meets and decides to send Cleopatra to seduce him, and I guess kill him while she's at it.

Cleopatra turns out to be a bit homely ... but not all that bad really, I mean she has a nice bod, I'd hit it without a second thought. They want her to be the ultimate in seduction though, so they send her to some perverted old alchemist to have her face reshaped.

She also has the ability to do this sort of thing with her anatomy. Doesn't bode well for Little Ceasar!

Here Cleopatra is seen using Morph Ball to infiltrate Ceasar's defenses. She is accompanied by horny jaguar or something who keeps trying to dry-hump her while she is in the bag.

It's hard to describe the rest of it as the copy I watched was in Japanese without subtitles (I don't think there's been an official subtitled release but there may be some fan-subs floating around), plus it's just so off the wall. Some guy who I think is Marc Anthony swims over with a pistol to dispatch Ceasar, they chuck him in the arena where he has to shoot up some giant and Astro Boy randomly flies in for a second, then eventually the plot sort of forgets about him and focuses on some random guard who lucks into boning Cleopatra somehow.

I can't honestly say it was *good* but it's certainly weird enough to merit watching if you are into that sort of thing. With subtitles in English I might have got a little more out of it.

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